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Everyone is a hero in 2020!


Here we are then, #CAAW20 is finally here. Edition 8 runs from 23-27 November 2020.

It is certainly going to be different this year, with socially distancing making many of the ‘traditional’ elements of #CAAW impossible to deliver. That said, what an opportunity to do things differently this year! Auditors are expert change agents so we are sure this will be a #CAAW like no other with many new approaches and initiatives emerging this week. In the long run clinical audit and QI will be the beneficiary of having to embrace different.

As ever, here at CASC we have done our best to provide lots of materials and resources to help promote clinical audit, see here. We are not sure why but this year we have gone ‘competition crazy’ and are offering prizes in four different categories. There should be something that appeals to everyone with: a big quiz on 24 November, audit cake off, re-drawing the audit cycle technical challenge and our audit emperor competition!

We are particularly excited to see what comes from our ‘Audit Emperor’ competition. In a nutshell, the challenge is to imagine you are in charge of audit for just one day and then to suggest a change that you would implement / like to see. What would yours be? Ironically, for us, one change we’d really like to see is a more open and honest debate of the strengths and weaknesses of clinical audit during #CAAW. Of course, this week provides the opportunity to showcase audit, but all year the work of clinicians is put under the spotlight via lots of audits. Why not use #CAAW to put audit under the spotlight, discuss what is good and not so good and have a genuine debate about what could be better? It is great to bang the drum and tell people ‘audit is amazing’ (which it can be!) but let’s not miss this invaluable opportunity to reflect on where we clearly aren’t up to standard, openly and collectively discussing what remedial action is needed. We ask clinicians to use audit to effectively discuss how to raise their game so let's be transparent and do the same ourselves during Clinical Audit Awareness Week.

We really hope that wherever you are in November 2020, you find time to get involved in #CAAW20. Let’s light up Twitter and share our ideas, successes, challenges and failings. And while prizes and awards are lovely to dish out, let’s remember that we are a community who like the rest of society have gone through so much since March. It has been hard and continues to be hard. But clinical audit is making a real difference at so many levels. And this year above all years, you are ALL HEROES in our eyes. Bravo!



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