Hello everyone. Hope you are well. Great to see the progress being made fighting COVID-19 and the impressive vaccination roll out having a positive impact.
Last week we took part in Healthcare Conferences UK's excellent 21st annual clinical audit conference. As part that, we gave a talk looking back at the last 25 years and focused on what works in clinical audit and what does not.
Sometimes you have to hold the mirror up close and acknowledge when something isn't working! And that continue it would be a waste of time and effort. We launched this blog in 2019 and while we have had some positive feedback it is clear that few people read this. Bigger picture for us here is that we don't think there is an appetite for clinical audit blogs in general and the success of our 'learn at lunch' events since August 2020, show us that there are now much better ways to communicate and engage with our audit and QI community.
We aren't going to take this resource down... but we have no plans to add to it. It actually feels empowering to move on to new ideas. We'll leave the likes of Carl at NQICAN and Danny at HQIP to lead the way with blogs. The ship has sailed for us and we wish them well.
Thanks to all who have contributed here over the last 18 months. 45 blogs in total. If you've read a few... thanks for getting involved.
All the best, Stephen and Tracy xx