Back in 2013, Clinical Audit Support Centre set up our first-ever blog as part of our now defunct Clinical Audit Tools website. Initially the blog proved a great success and our 'Fifty Shades of Clinical Audit' article received rave reviews. It is fair to say that like so many blogs, we peaked early, lost momentum and that was pretty much that!
Not to be perturbed, we are back for another go at blogging and this time it is going to be very different. For starters, we are aiming to learn from our previous mistakes. It is clear that when it comes to blogging, the audience want a regular flow of short and snappy articles. So with this in mind, we promise to publish weekly blogs with a read-time of less than 3 minutes. And we aren't sticking to clinical audit... this blog will focus on all aspects of quality improvement and patient safety in healthcare.
In the main the blog will feature articles from CASC Directors Stephen and Tracy, but we'd love to see guest blogs - just get in touch if you fancy writing something in less than 250 words. And as much as we love harmony and accord, we are happy to say that this blog will be challenging and controversial. Let's remember, high quality clinical audit and quality improvement doesn't preserve the status quo... it looks for better and best. We hope this blog will stimulate true transparent debate on some really important matters.
And this resource is open to all... no barriers or restrictions. Let's get cracking...
