Ask not what #CAAW19 can do for you…ask what you can do for #CAAW19! Of course, we’ve all heard the amazing speech that JFK gave at his presidential inauguration in 1961 and we are probably over-egging the cake to re-quote the most famous line from it with some obvious changes here… but as Clinical Audit Awareness Week (mark 7) comes into view, we think there is an important message here!
#CAAW19 is a five-day celebration of clinical audit and improvement. It is the week in the year where we should all be championing the value of our work and spreading the message (not that we should not be doing that every week!). However, last week we had a call from a local audit professional. To paraphrase… ‘I want all your #CAAW19 materials’! Of course, we were flattered and followed up with… ‘out of interest, what have you come up with for #CAAW19’? Answer: an unashamed ‘nothing’! Surely, #CAAW19 is the opportunity for everyone to be creative and spend a little time on developing new resources and initiatives.
Indeed, you only need to look back at last year to see the amazing array of ways that some teams promoted and celebrated audit. There were: training workshops, competitions, drop-in-sessions, tea-breaks, Twitter-chats and polls, poster and oral presentations, quizzes, infographics, placard campaigns, selfie-frames, guidance documents, etc!
Add to all this, NQICAN and their regional networks seized the baton from HQIP and moved #CAAW18 to another level. HQIP’s audit heroes proved popular (as they always do) but make no mistake, NQICAN (on a shoestring budget), local networks/teams and others were the ones that gave #CAAW18 its real impetus!
So with #CAAW19 less than 3 months away… (25-29 Nov) think seriously about the JFK message. If you work in audit, then what are you contributing to #CAAW19? Irrespective of our titles, we are all leaders and all have much to share so let’s showcase all that is brilliant about audit at the end of November. As ever, we will be trying our hardest to contribute. Look out for new resources from us and a fun competition to find out the 2019 ‘Clinical Audit Team of the Year’. In addition, we will be challenging the audit and QI community to collaborate with us to generate some useful new materials during awareness week…
But it is not about us, or HQIP, or NQICAN or the networks… what are you doing? #standupforaudit #rallyingcry