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Get behind your bloggers…and get involved!

We’ve posted a few meaty blogs lately, so this week it is going to be short and sweet!

Actually, the eleventh blog we are posting on this site since we launched it less than 2 months ago, arguably isn’t really a blog. It is more of a plea. With Clinical Audit Awareness Week aka #CAAW19 fast approaching, we just want to encourage you to get involved with a number of blogs out there that help support/promote audit and QI.

Of course, this new blog only started a few months ago but we are really pleased with the progress we have made and the interest we have generated. However, we could do with receiving more comments. While we appreciate commenting takes a little bit of time and effort, please consider posting your thoughts as this adds lots of value. Public discussion of key issues is really important and stimulates wider debate and transparency.

We’d also like to point you to two other blogs that will be taking centre-stage during #CAAW19 and that are relevant all year round to those with an interest in audit and QI.

First of there is the NQICAN blog, started in 2017 that mainly features the thoughts of their chairman, Carl Walker aka @cwwalker10. If you are not aware, NQICAN are the ‘network of clinical audit networks’ who support audit staff working at the coalface. The blog is very good and has returned after a summer break. CASC highly recommend the blog, indeed we submitted content in 2017 that was well received. So please check this out here and don’t forget to comment on the posts.

Second, there is the HQIP blog, that can be found here. In 2008, HQIP were set up to reinvigorate local and national clinical audit. Their blog page was set up in 2017

and got off to a rather slow start, but there has been an injection of energy of late with 3 new blogs since July. We encourage you to take a look and pass on your comments.

And if you are feeling particularly brave, or just want to make a point, or want to get on your soap-box, or you want to tell people with an interest in audit/QI something they need to know, then why not submit a blog article to us? As part of #CAAW19 we are planning a blog takeover whereby we publish guest blogs. These can be in name or anonymous, but the only condition is that they must be under 500 words. So if you are interested, then contact us via or (0116) 264 3411. And if you don’t want to write for us, why not contact Carl at NQICAN as we are sure he’d be equally interested in publishing your guest blog. Or even think about writing your own blog. It is a challenging but very rewarding experience.

PS A quick heads up… next week we’ll be back to the usual thought-provoking stuff as we focus on national audits and offer a tongue-in-cheek guide to how we assume they must be commissioned. It will be satire, but with a very honest message!

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